Frequently asked questions

  • Who is Grupo Ageas Portugal?

    Founded in 1824, Ageas is an international insurance group based in Brussels and present in 14 countries in Europe and Asia.

    Operating in Portugal since 2005, Ageas has been investing in the country as one of its main markets, through strong partnerships and contributing to the development of the country and society through the Ageas Foundation and helping clients to manage, anticipate, and protect themselves against risks and unforeseen events, so that they can live the present and the future with maximum security and serenity.

    The mission of Ageas Portugal Group is to deliver an emotional and meaningful experience into people's lives, being a reference partner in insurance and the best place to work for entrepreneurs. For this, we have 1,307 Employees and 2,332 Mediators to provide a service of excellence to the approximately 1.8 million customers of these trademarks: Ageas Seguros, Ageas Pensões, Médis, Ocidental, and Seguro Directo. 

    In order to diversify the business and be close to its customers, Ageas Portugal Group goes beyond insurance, providing an extensive offering of services through Médis Clinics, Kleya, Go Far, Ageas Repara and Mundo Ageas.

  • How could the Ageas INsure Program benefit my startup?

    You will have the opportunity to:

    • Shape the insurance and ‘beyond insurance’ landscape and collaborate with a strong and innovative insurance partner with a committed C-level and innovation team
    • Access to know-how and opportunities to collaborate with industry experts and receive feedback and insights for your product or service.
    • Receive a contribution for PoC development (€15,000/€20,000 depending on the solution) and access logistical perks, such as a work space and internet. Furthermore, since MAIZE is a founding partner of the Global Accelerator Network, you will benefit from some additional technical perks, such as Amazon Web Services, IBM Cloud, InVision, Typeform, and
    • Scale up the project after the PoC phase, also internationally thanks to Ageas’ international presence.
    • Access to a strong partner, MAIZE, that will facilitate the collaboration between Ageas Portugal and the startup, while giving hands-on support.
    • Collaborate with a company in the dynamic Portoguese ecoystem.
  • In which stage should startups be to apply?

    Startups should have a technologically-verified and working product already launched or ready to be launched in the market. Furthermore, the venture should already have a complete team. Solo entrepreneurs and ideas and projects without a working product will not be considered. 

  • Can I apply with more than one project/company?

    Yes, definitely. You can apply with as many projects as you believe would fit and benefit the program.

  • What are the selection criteria?

    When evaluating your venture, we will consider: fit to the brief and the affinity with Grupo Ageas Portugal products and digital projects, the solidity of the business model, the level of differentiation and novelty of the solution and its traction.

  • Who will evaluate and select the ventures?

    A jury formed by Grupo Ageas Portugal innovation team, vertical experts, and MAIZE.

  • How is our program structured?

    The business accelerator is a structured path that will guide selected startups and Grupo Ageas Portugal to validate the solution and build a partnership.

    • Kick Off: a remote kickoff will introduce the Ageas INsure program and will define in detail the activities that will be carried out among specific business units and the startups;
    • PoC setup: the program will officially start with a one-day in-person workshop in Lisbon where the core team (startups, Grupo Ageas Portugal’s business unit and Innovation Team, MAIZE) will get to know each other and design their Statements of Work and the details of the PoC in order to validate the output and transform it into a real roadmap.
    • PoC Execution: eventually the program will entail a number of project design meetings that will bring the working group to validate assumptions made at the beginning of the project through a test.
    • Halfway meeting: a mid term check will be organized for each startup after the first half of the PoC, to decide whether something has to be changed to reach the expected results.
    • Final meeting: the program will end with a final meeting and a celebration meeting where companies wil present their POC results to the jury and define next steps for the partnership development
  • If my startup is selected, what are the next steps?

    If your startup is selected, we will contact you to start thinking about possible areas of collaboration and start discussions with Grupo Ageas Portugal and MAIZE. After this screening, we will identify approximately 10 startups to invite to the Selection Day (date to be defined)

  • Where and when will the program take place?

    The program will start from Autumn 2025 and last approximately 3-6 monts months, depending on your specific PoC. Ideally, the startup members will be in Lisbon for the kick-off week, the mid-term check after the first half of the test (2-hour meeting) and the final presentation. The remaining of the collaboration will take place digitally.

    For non-European startups, and depending on the PoC, alternative collaboration modes may be adopted.

  • Who needs to be present in Lisbon?

    Depending on the PoC, you can decide how many members of your team need to be present and when. However, we advise at least two team members — one business-oriented and another more tech-oriented.

  • Is my presence required in Lisbon?

    You are required to be in Lisbon for the kick-off week, the mid-term check and closing week of the program.

  • Are there any expenses covered by the program?

    The program does not cover expenses. You will, however, receive a contribution for PoC development (€15,000/€20,000 depending on the solution) and access to logistical perks offered by our partners (e.g. workspaces, internet etc.). We will also have a coffee station during these weeks.

  • In what language will the program be conducted?

    All communications and materials will be in English.

  • Do you take equity in participating companies?

    Ageas INsure is a PoC-focused program, therefore no equity is taken.

  • Will you be investing in startups?

    The program is not investment-focused but given that the startups are selected to develop pilots with the partners, investment opportunities might arise.

  • I need to apply for a visa to travel to Portugal. Can you help?

    We can send you an Invitation Letter for you to use with your visa application.

  • How is the budget of the PoC defined?

    During selection day, we will require startups to present a proposal of collaboration with a PoC budget that will be defined and agreed on by MAIZE and Ageas based on the PoC specs and details.

  • How can I apply?

    You can apply here

  • Want to know more?

    Contact us and let’s chat!

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